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A Unique Trend in 2022 - Monochrome Paint Scheme

Monochrome Paint is a term often used to describe the practice of painting the walls and the trim of a room the same color. It often also includes painting any door and openings the room and may even have you painting the ceiling too! Although it's not a trend many people prefer, it is something more Homeowners are doing more these days.

Image courtesy of Vamac.

There is a fine line one must consider before jumping head first into this style of interior design, and that's Color. The color you use will ultimately make or break the space. Going too dark will feel dank and depressing with nothing to outline the room like white or near white trim. Going too bright will make you feel uncomfortable and jittery and will more than likely give you the urge to vacate as quickly as you entered. Done correctly your space can taken on the life of elegance and sophistication, but done in haste you may find yourself asking 'what did I get into' Made popular more recently by the Netflix show Instant Dream Home; mainly because of some serious time constraints; you can see just how rushing this kind of style can turn out. Although from a glance some of the rooms on the show look OK, overall this kind of process requires the removal of old flaky paint, sanding and priming in order to achieve a flush and clean finish. Although rushing isn't ideal when it comes to painting; even in any situation, Monochrome is a good option for those who don't want to worry about the added task of painting trim and casing. Cutting can be tricky, especially if you don't have a stable hand, and it's not something many love doing. Monochrome takes all that away... just be sure you're covering the floor. Check out Benjamin Moore's website for the ultimate monochromatic color palettes. Their designers have taken a lot of the guess work out of what colors you should consider and have broken it down into a few color categories for you. Ultimately it's your decision, but it's safe to assume a paint company wants your paint project to turn out great. Here are just a few of our favorites you'll find on their website:

If you're going to try your hand at Monochrome, consider asking an interior designer for advice; or find yourself a 3D modeler who can produce your vision before you put brush to 'canvas'. It may spell out the difference between 'I love it'... or 'shoot, Now now what?'

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